Designing a Record Console: Part 3 | LUNO | Luno

Designing a Record Console: Part 3 | LUNO

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Designing a Record Console: Part 3 | LUNO

design your own record console

Designing a record console for yourself that has your personality is really exciting, because you’re doing something exclusive that most people don’t get to do. Just think of the conversations that you can start at a dinner party by letting your guests know that you helped LUNO to design the handcrafted piece of luxury furniture. Yeah, that’s impressive, you would be proud in that moment, and you should be!

In Part 1, we looked at design.

In Part 2, we looked at fabrication.

Finally in Part 3, we’ll look at: DELIVERY.

1 – How do you want it shipped?: LUNO deals with many white glove delivery services, but remember that prices depend on your location. From our factory near Downtown LA, we ship to anywhere in the United States or Canada. We can’t determine the shipping price nor the delivery time, so keep that in mind. We recommend the best white glove delivery options for your luxury piece. Your order is properly blanket wrapped, secured, crated, and fully insured. Also, we recommend making delivery arrangement within 14 days of completion of your order.  We’ll notify you when it’s done, so that we have time to decide on a shipping arrangement.

2 – Consider storage options if you need to: If you’re moving into a new penthouse soon or will be away on business, you probably won’t be home to accept your order, right? Once your order is complete, the reason that we recommend making delivery arrangement within 14 days is because after that deadline we typically charge customers a storage fee. Since we don’t have unlimited room to store a lot of undelivered orders in our factory, we’ll have to find someplace secure to store your order until you are ready to have it delivered. If for whatever reason, you feel that you won’t be able to accept your order within the two-week period after it is completed, we recommend that storage of your order be arranged until a delivery time is convenient.

3 – Before you start playing that funky music right, do an inspection: Once your record console gets delivered, we know that you’ll be anxious to start playing some records. But before the fun begins, inspect your order. During transit, things might have shifted, so look closely for any damage. Since you helped design your order, this should be easier than you think. Please, if you see any defects, contact us immediately, and we will resolve the issue. If you accept the record console without inspecting it and you find out later that there is damage, LUNO cannot be held liable.

LUNO makes high end record consoles, stereo consoles, and related audio accessories for the discerning analog audiophile. Our handmade products are built by craftspeople who have perfected the art of creating luxury furniture, as well as sound engineers who know their stuff. We hope that the customization process for designing a record console with LUNO is much clearer for you, and that most of your questions have been answered.

To design your own record console today and get it delivered to you, START HERE.

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